Trusted by some of the biggest sports leagues in the country.
ICS contracts with professional and collegiate organizations to assess and develop infectious disease mitigation strategies. We work closely with league officials, team staff, and player representatives to provide unbiased, fact-based consultation.
*ICS does not diagnose or provide treatment for any medical condition.
Proven Experience
Infection Control Education for Major Sports (“ICS”) was formed by two infectious disease doctors who remain on the front lines of epidemiology research, including the current fight against COVID-19.
Comprehensive Education
ICS provides education and training on how to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases among athletes and staff. This includes operational recommendations, facility assessments, and recommending sport-specific policies and procedures, among other discussions and planning sessions with league officials.
Rigorous Approach
As doctors intimately familiar with COVID-19, we believe an approach based in rigorous science is the best way to resume play both safely and as quickly as possible. We do not and cannot dictate when leagues decide to resume play. We advise on best practices, but leagues will need to make their own decisions regarding timing.