ICS in the news
College football's uphill battle with standardized, consistent coronavirus testing procedures for 2020
June 29, 2020
"Herd immunity is not a realistic expectation in the near term as it would require some degree of prior infection among virtually everyone a player would come in contact with," said ICS partner Dr. Christopher Hostler.
How close are we to live sports?
May 22, 2020
“Dr. Deverick Anderson -- one of the consultants for the NFL -- tells ESPN there are no scenarios in the foreseeable future that do not involve some level of risk of exposure to the coronavirus.”
These Duke doctors are working with NFL, Big 12 to mitigate coronavirus spread among teams
May 21, 2020
“ICS has been the league's go-to source for how to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus through testing, disinfection and environmental distancing.”
*ICS is not affiliated in any way with Duke University (DU) or the Duke University Health System (DUHS). Neither DU nor DUHS are responsible for the services provided by ICS or for the materials, training, or oversight associated with such services.
Why coronavirus testing might be the key to the return of college football
May 20, 2020
“Major programs across the country have begun to draft detailed plans, the first real tangible steps on paper that will constitute a new normal for when athletics programs can resume.”
Risks and Rewards of Resuming Fall Football
May 18, 2020
“The goal of ICS is to get infection-prevention standards in athletic facilities to a similar level as that of hospitals.”